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James Fraser (1886-1938), missionary to the Lisu people in China, gave this testimony about prayer: “I read a testimony of Dr. Stuart Holden’s, not long ago, in which he said that one of the greatest blessings of his life had been his unanswered prayers...
James Landrum Holmes served as one of the first Baptist missionaries in North China. In 1861, when he was only 23 years old, Mr. Holmes went out with another missionary to meet advancing forces of the Taiping Rebellion in an effort to make peace...
Today, the English Baptist pastor Robert Robinson (1735-1790) is best known as the author of the hymn, Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing...
In one of his sermons, Martyn Lloyd-Jones said, “the more we know God and the more truly pious we are, the less inclined shall we probably be to use in prayer such phrases as...
Henry Jessey (1601-1663) served as an English Baptist pastor. “The year 1657 afforded Mr. Jessey a favourable opportunity of displaying his benevolence. The Swedes and Poles being engaged in war...