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Bible Dictionary Entry. The name of two men in the Bible, both of whom are only mentioned one time. The name means the servant and implies the servant of God.
Bible Dictionary Entry. Abba is the transliteration of the Aramaic word for father. It is always used as a direct address to God the Father.
Bible Dictionary Entry. The word, abate, came to English from French. Literally, abate means to beat down or batter. It can also mean to come down. It refers most often to the lessening of the strength of an action in some way or another.
Bible Dictionary entry. The word, abase, came from Latin though the French to the English. To abase literally means to bring to the base (the base being the lowest part of a column); to bring down low.
I often get questions about the unpardonable sin and blasphemy against the Holy Ghost as recorded in Matthew 12:31-32.