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Fear Thou Not


Fear is the negative emotion of dread toward anticipated future evil.

  1. Fear is the negative emotion of dread toward anticipated future evil
    1. Even fear of a large dog that is barking and running toward you is really fear of what you anticipate the dog may do to you.
  2. Fear may be good or bad
    1. Good fear includes the fear of the Lord and a sensible fear of things that may harm us. These fears do not overwhelm us and they cause us to take wiser actions (Proverbs 1:7).
    2. Bad fear may come in several forms
      1. Fear of the wrong things; like fear of man (Proverbs 29:25)
      2. Fear that destroys our ability to take proper action (Matthew 17:6)
      3. Fear that causes wrong actions (Matthew 25:25)
      4. Fear that overcomes godly virtues like peace, hope, and joy (Matthew 8:23-26)
  3. Bad fear can be defined as the absence of faith (Matthew 8:26)
    1. Faith is the act by which we take God at His word. This means that we take His promises as fact. Since He has promised to always be with His saints (Hebrews 13:5) and has assured us that all things will work together for good (Romans 8:28), we have no cause to fear the future as the lost do.
    2. Fear dreads the coming of evil things and reacts emotionally to it as if it is a fact. However, of the things we fear most, few ever happen and most of those that do are not as bad as we feared.
  4. When experiencing fear, discern what kind of fear it is:
    1. Is it good fear or bad fear?
    2. If good, are our reactions to it sensible or extreme?
  5. If the fear is bad fear, then take biblical steps to combat it
    1. Remember that God is in charge of our future (Genesis 15:1).
      1. As our shield, He protects from danger.
      2. As our reward, He promises to bring good.
      3. With God on our side, we have nothing to fear (Psalm 118:6; Hebrews 13:6)
    2. Meditate on the promise of Gods presence (Genesis 26:24).
    3. Practice trusting the Lord as your very strength and allow Him to increase your faith (Psalm 46:1-2)
    4. Immediately take all your fears to the Lord and leave them with Him (Psalm 3:4-6). Specifically ask Him to deliver you from your fears (Psalm 34:4).
    5. Practice trusting fully in Gods watchcare over us as a Father who guides His children (Psalm 23:4).
      1. His rod will correct us when we go astray.
      2. His staff will protect us when we are in danger
    6. Compare what you fear with who you follow and see if the fears do not seem much smaller (Psalm 27:1-3)
    7. Memorize and meditate on scriptures that increase your faith (Psalm 56:3-4).
    8. Draw close to God. We often fear because we have strayed from Him and fail to experience His presence and strength (Psalm 91:1-6).
    9. Allow God to work in you His spirit of love, power, and strength of mind (2Timothy 1:7).