I am confused. I want to do things right...How do you lead someone into receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Are we suppose to what we call (tarry) with them?
Can I get scriptures that support baptism as part of salvation besides Mark 16:16?
What is the correlation/connection between water baptism and church membership? I see where Acts 2:41 references both baptism and adding to the church in the same context, but have not found where baptism is clearly required for church membership.
I read a book that said if you want to become a Christian (saved), you must also be ready to count the cost, such as: dying to yourself, taking up your cross, following Jesus, even if it leads you to death. Do you really need to be ready to do all that before you come to Christ?
Are all sins created equal? For example, like comparing someone who committed suicide to someone who said God's name in vain. Would they both receive the same punishment?