My understanding of the day of the Lord as referred to in the Bible with the end times starts after the rapture. These verses suggest that the Day of the Lord starts with different periods in respect to the rapture. Joel 3:31, 1 Thessalonians 5:1-5 and Isaiah 13:9. Can you please explain these verses to me as to when exactly the day of the Lord begins?
Is the church the bride of Christ? Is there a such thing as a Baptist Bride. Is there a universal church that exist now?
I have read your web site on musical instruments. You mention there are harps in heaven, even though John saw it in a vision. The book of Revelation is symbolic . In heaven, material items don't exist just like Christ said. Though there is no mention of instruments in the New Testament, you show it is ok. So in the New Testament, which musical instruments are to be used? Someone even said on a web site that the Church of Christ is a denomination. They are not! Christ built it not man. Christ did tell Peter upon this rock I will build MY church. Not methodist or catholic but Christ's church.
Why do Christians not keep the Jewish laws? There are people in our community who believe that salvation is of grace through Christ's blood, but also believe Christ meant us to keep the law.
I have a question about the rapture. I was ask by someone that if the rapture will take place and their are unsaved mothers who are pregnant and we believe that a child is saved if he does not reach yet the age of accountability. My question is "Is the child in the womb will be raptured?"