On the first day, God made the light but the sun, moon and stars were not created until the fourth day. How was there an evening and morning without the sun?
What is your opinion on the confession mentioned in Romans 10:8-10? I have heard many preachers say that a person is not saved until he or she makes a public confession of salvation based on this scripture.
I have a website for ladies, and lately we women have been studying Titus 2:3-5. This week, we are looking at the phrase "keepers at home" in particular. My very old copy of Strong's concordance defines the word "keepers" as "stayers at home; ie. domestically inclined." However, newer Bible dictionaries online define it as "workers" or "taking care of domestic affairs." I found it strange that this is the only usage of this Greek word in the Bible, at least as far as I can tell. It seems fishy that older dictionaries defined this word as "staying" at home, where more recent dictionaries seem to broaden the meaning. I wish I knew Greek myself so that I didn't have to rely on others' definitions. But in my opinion, it seems that if God was careful enough to use a highly-specific word here (so specific that it's not used any where else in the Bible), why are modern definitions so broad?
What is the interpretation of Acts 1:6?
In 1Chronicles 11:15-19 there is recorded an interesting story about David and Three of his men. The story is simple to understand but I was wanting to know if you think the story serves as a type of anything? If you have any thoughts on this passage I would like to read them.