Contentment is a precious gift and one that the scriptures say must be learned. It is not merely satisfaction, but it is a joyous peace that what we have is exactly what we are supposed to have and that nothing else could top it.
John is writing to the “elect lady” who has seemingly erred on the side of love and needs to give more heed to the truth.
consider the One who loved you so much that He gave Himself for you. He deserves your love. Give it to Him and give it to Him undivided.
Neither the word <em>missions</em> nor the word <em>missionary</em> is found in the Bible. Yet, it is difficult to read through Acts or Paul’s epistles without seeing its practice on every page. Mission comes from the Latin word missio and means a sending or sending away. A mission is defined as a sending out with authority to perform a special duty.
These things describe a middle of the road believer: steps of a good man, delight of a good man, and fall of a good man.