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Have No Fellowship (Ephesians 5:11)

Introductory Thoughts

What does the Bible mean when it says to “have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness”? Does this mean that believers should never speak to those who do not know Christ as Saviour? The key involves understanding Bible terminology. The word fellowship is a two part compound word. A simple Bible study of the root word fellow indicates that it involves two people working as one (John 11:16; 3 John 8); therefore fellowship involves two people being closely associated. The command for believers to avoid close association with unbelievers is further confirmed when the Bible says believers and unbelievers should not be “unequally yoked together” (2 Corinthians 6:14). When two people are yoked together, they are united in work; but the saved should never unite with the lost in such matters. More importantly, believers must never yoke up with unbelievers in God’s work (Ezra 4:3).

Devotional Thoughts

  • (For children): King Jehoshaphat agreed to help wicked king Ahab fight the Syrians. He received a harsh rebuke from the Lord through the prophet Jehu (2 Chronicles 19:1-2).
  • (For everyone): What are some areas where fellowship should be severed? Is it scriptural for the saved to accept aid from the world in order to accomplish the work of God (Genesis 14:21-24; 3 John 7)?
  • Are you yoked up with the world? Are you fighting alongside them with the same goals? Do you need to break away from their yoke and separate yourself unto the Lord?

Prayer Thoughts

  • Ask the Lord to help you see when you are yoked with the lost.
  • Ask the Lord to continue to teach you biblical separation.


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