That there is indeed a limit upon science is made very likely...
John Newton, writer of the hymn “Amazing Grace,” gave this illustration: “I sometimes compare this earth to a temporary gallery or stage...
What do you think would help solve the problem of violence in bars? Perhaps you could forbid certain people from entering the bar? That might help. Maybe you could offer professional counseling? Even that could help. Maybe, you could remove the... well never mind, surely alcohol wouldn't be the problem. At least not according to some, as police in Dundee have asked the bars to stop providing....drum roll please....glasses. Wow! We really are evolving, aren't we.
Well maybe he didn't, but Augie, a two-year-old greater Swiss mountain dog, did eat $400.
Samuel Stennett (1727-1795) was the English Baptist preacher who wrote the hymn, On Jordan’s Stormy Banks I Stand. His testimony continued to the end of his life...