The Lord Jesus Christ had three offices. They are Prophet, Priest and King. In what aspects was Jesus Christ a Prophet?
One of the greatest blessings of being saved is having Jesus Christ as your High Priest. No longer must you go to a man to confess your sins and ask forgiveness, but you can approach the throne of grace with boldness through the shed blood of our High Priest.
We read, Job 13:4, of “physicians of no value:” such indeed are all to whom application for remedy is made, besides this heavenly Physician, who never fails to cure such as receive his prescriptions. In what respects Christ is termed a Physician, is to be seen in the following parallel.k
Christ, and the graces of Christ, are called Manna. Manna means to prepare, because it was food prepared from heaven for the Israelites in the wilderness.
Mediator as applied to Christ, is borrowed from persons, whose office it is to reconcile such parties as are at variance, being as it were in the middle, betwixt both, soliciting the cause of each to the other, till they bring them to concord or agreement.