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Christians disagree about baptism. Because of the subject’s importance, many hours have been spent studying it. Though much has been learned from others, this article takes a unique approach which will hopefully be helpful to the reader.
Bible Dictionary Entry. The name Abarim means regions beyond and refers to regions east of the Jordan River.
Bible Dictionary Entry. The Abana is one of the two rivers of Damascus (the other being the Pharpar) mentioned by the Syrian general Naaman in 864BC [Reese] as being “better than all the waters of Israel” (2Kings 5:12).
Bible Dictionary Entry. Abagtha is a Persian name having common roots with Bigtha (Esther 1:10), Bigthan (Esther 2:21), and Bigthana (Esther 6:2).
Bible Dictionary Entry. Abaddon is the anglicized form of the Hebrew word meaning destruction.